Kindergarten is a fun and exciting year! You will be amazed at just how much your child will grow this year.


Reading and Writing

The teaching of reading in Kindergarten is a multifaceted approach. An appreciation of reading and good literature is nurtured, which provides a foundation for students to become life-long readers. We use a program called “Jolly Phonics,” which incorporates visual, spatial, kinesthetic, and auditory learning to recall sounds, which supports our reading and writing in and out of the classroom. We use phonics strategies and the most frequently used words (word wall words, such as “the” or “and”) to strengthen reading and writing skills. In kindergarten our goal is for all students to develop confidence in their reading and writing skills using developmental spelling.

The students write daily to reinforce skills across the curriculum. Some of the ways their writing is practiced can be found in weekly journals and special social studies or science writing projects.


In kindergarten students will be focusing on two critical areas. First, being representing, relating and operating on whole numbers. In the beginning using sets of objects. Second, describing shapes and space. Our main focus will be devoted to numbers than to any other topic. Students will have hands on exploration time as a whole class and in small groups.

Social Studies & Science

The performance expectations in kindergarten help students formulate answers to questions such as: “What happens if you push or pull an object harder? Where do animals live and why do they live there? What is the weather like today and how is it different from yesterday?” Students are expected to develop understanding of patterns and variations in local weather and the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe weather. Students are able to apply an understanding of the effects of different strengths or different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object to analyze a design solution. Students are also expected to develop understanding of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive and the relationship between their needs and where they live.  In the kindergarten performance expectations, students are expected to demonstrate grade-appropriate proficiency in asking questions, developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, designing solutions, engaging in argument from evidence, and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. Students are expected to use these practices to demonstrate understanding of the core ideas.

For more information on the kindergarten curriculum, please refer to the Hawthorn District 73 curriculum guide.