Quizlets, Kahoots, & Other Study Games

Here are some good links to help you study.  I will update this page as we continue through the curriculum.  Please share any other websites that you find are helpful with me, and I will add them to the list.

Quizlet Links

Gravity & Orbital Motion & Solar System Patterns



Moon Phases

Aerodynamics of Race Cars

Plate Tectonics

Continental Drift & Plate Tectonics Vocabulary

Rock Cycle Vocabulary

Weathering, Erosion, & Deposition (When using flashcards, select Options at the bottom left. Then select Answer with Term)

Homologous, Analogous, Vestigial


Fossil Evidence of Evolution

Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection

Biological Evidence for Evolution


How to use Kahoot: Click on the link.  Then open another tab and type in Kahoot.it.  You now have two windows open.  One starts and advances through the questions and the other is how you answer the questions.

Adaptations vs Variations

Comparative Anatomy

Rock Identification

Weathering, Erosion, Deposition

Seafloor Spreading

Other Study Games

Who Wants to Live a Million Years – Game of Natural Selection

Natural Selection Simulation – SEPUP

Moon Phases Interactive

Moon Phase Practice

Slip, Slide, Collide Interactive Game

Weathering, Erosion, & Deposition Jeopardy

Shape it Up (Weathering, Erosion, & Deposition Interactive)

Weathering & Erosion Quiz

Erosion & Deposition Animations